Category: E-Journals (Subjective) Botany
1 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyAnnals of Biological Research
2 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyBharatiya Vaigyanik Evam Audyogik Anusandhan Patrika
3 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyBiomirror
4 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyConservation and Society
5 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyCytoJournal
6 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyElectronic Journal of Plant Breeding
7 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyIndian Horticulture
8 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyIndian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
9 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyIndian Journal of Biotechnology
10 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyIndian Journal of Experimental Biology
11 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyIndian Journal of Life Science
12 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyIndian Journal of Natural Products and Resources
13 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyIndian journal of natural products and resources
14 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyInternational Journal of Agriculture Sciences
15 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyInternational Journal of BioEngineering and Technology
16 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyInternational Journal of BioSciences and Technology
17 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyInternational Journal of Current Research Review
18 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyInternational Journal of Environmental Sciences
19 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyInternational Journal of Genetics
20 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyInternational Journal of Integrative Biology
21 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyInternational Journal of Microbiology Research
22 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyInternational Journal of Parasitology Research
23 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyInternational Journal of Phytomedicine
24 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyInternational Journal of Systems Biology
25 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyJournal of Advanced Bioinformatics Applications and Research
26 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyJournal of Agicultural Engineering
27 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyJournal of Biodiversity
28 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyJournal of Biomedical Sciences and Research
29 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyJournal of Biopesticides
30 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyJournal of Biosciences
31 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyJournal of Cytology
32 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyJournal of Environmental Biology
33 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyJournal of Genetics
34 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyJournal of Natural Products
35 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyOpen Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
36 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyProceedings of the Indian National Science Academy – section B life sciences
37 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyResonance- Journal of science education
38 E-Journals (Subjective) BotanyScholars Research Journal